15th Gwangju Biennale
SubjectGwangju Biennale International Curator Course

Gwangju Biennale International Curator Course

August 24 to September 20, 2009

Sponsored by The Gwangju Biennale Foundation, The Metropolitan City of Gwangju
Chaired by Yongwoo Lee

Directed by Byungsoo Eun (Artistic Director, 2009 Gwangju Design Biennale)
                Massimiliano Gioni (Artistic Director, 2010 Gwangju Biennale)

Visiting Professor: Barbara Vanderlinden
The Gwangju Biennale Foundation sponsors the first edition of International Curator Course in Gwangju from August 24 to September 20, in collaboration with worldwide colleges running curatorial studies. The Course will offer the opportunity to 25 young curators from all over the world to work with an internationally renowned visiting professor and curators, dealing with many challenging issues of theoretical and practical aspects of curatorial research, and reviewing the contemporary art as a broadened terrain of culture.

The Course consists of lectures, seminars, workshops and practice in preparation of Gwangju Biennale and Gwangju Design Biennale, with an intensive schedule of classes and curatorial administrations led by the visiting professor as well as presentations of the participants’ projects, and visits to artists, designers, museums, galleries and related institutions. 

The objectives of curatorial course are aiming to:
- promote reflections questioning the role of the curator, and research projects in the field of contemporary visual culture
- set up working platforms that may enable participants to develop further curatorial works
- proliferate networking between young creators of the visual art scene and encourage international circulation of cultural projects



Themes examined during three weeks of lessons will be: concepts of “cultural hybrid,” “aesthetic groundedness,” “terrain,” and the cultural topology and its relations between East and West; the role of museums and alternative spaces; the question of history and its redefinition; and the relations between art and its audiences will be included along with themes.

Visiting Professor
Barbara Vanderlinden is internationally renowned curator, author and founding artistic director of Brussels Biennial, Belgium (2008) and founding director of Roomade, Office for Contemporary Art, Brussels. She has curated numerous exhibitions including in 1999 Laboratorium (with Hans Ulrich Obrist), Manifesta 2 in Luxembourg in 1998 (with Maria Lind and Robert Fleck), Revolution/Restoration in Brussels in 2002 and Do You Believe in Reality? Taipei Biennial (2004). She is Chief Editor of The Manifesta Decade, Debates on Contemporary Art Exhibitions and Biennials in Post-Wall Europe, Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005.


How to Apply
Interested applicants from any nationality may apply. No study certificate and academic degree required. Lectures and seminars will be delivered in English. The screen committee consisting of Yongwoo Lee, Byungsoo Eun, Massimiliano Gioni, Barbara Vanderlinden, and Sunjung Kim will select from the applications. The application form must be posted by May 15, 2009.

The applications must include:
1. Application form



Date of birth:

Place of birth:



Postal address:



List of studies /work experiences:

(Please attach your detailed CV to this form.)

2. A copy of the most relevant published texts and reports of realized curatorial projects.
3. A motivational statement illustrating the applicant’s interests and explaining the reason for the application (max. 5.000 characters.)

The selected applicants will be contacted via email by the end of May 2009. The Gwangju Biennale Foundation will sponsor tuition and accommodation during the International Curator Course. Selected applicants will be responsible for travel from place of residence to Gwangju and back, and meals. The material sent for the application will not be returned. According to regulation of the Course, personal data of the applicants is exclusively used for the Course selection procedures and not communicated to others.


Exhibition Department /Gwangju Biennale Foundation

211 Biennale 2 Gil, Buk-Gu, Gwangju, 500-070, KOREA

E-mail: curatorcourse@gb.or.kr
Info: Gwangju Biennale Foundation + 82 62 608 4233