15th Gwangju Biennale
SubjectResearch Program on Local Artist "Artist Studio Visit"| YOUN Seyoung

Research Program on Local Artist Artist Studio Visit


This November 2023, our second Artist Studio Visit of the year takes us into the creative world of Youn Seyoung.


Youn artfully navigates the dualistic nature of the visible and invisible, encapsulating these elements within the thematic framework of Becoming Space.


An intimate glimpse into her artistic journey and oeuvre will be unveiled on the Gwangju Biennale Foundation's YouTube channel on November 30th.



 Inquiry 062-608-4233


윤세영_ 생성지점 Becoming Space_ 2018_ 장지에 석채,분채_ 180 X 420 cm_web.jpg

Becoming Space, 2018, Stone fragments, soil fragments on canvas, 180x420cm  


윤세영_ 생성지점 Becoming Space_ 2019_ 장지에 석채,분채_ 130 X 162 cm_web.jpg Becoming Space, 2019, Stone fragments, soil fragments on canvas, 130x162cm


윤세영_ 생성지점 Becoming Space_ 2018 _ 장지에 먹, 솜. 설치 Ink on Korean paper, Cotton, Installation_198X 125cm_하정웅 미술관 전시전경_web.jpg

Becoming Space, 2018, Ink on korean paper, cotton, installation, 198x125cm 


윤세영_ 생성지점 Becoming Space_ 2022_  캔버스에 먹, 아크릴, 푸른실, 유리병_ 김냇과 지하 설치 전경_web.jpgBecoming Space, 2022, Ink, acrylic, blue thread, glass bottle on canvas